International Human Rights The essence of the concept of Human Rights
Березень 18, 2023
Mukmin Muhammad


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International Human Rights The essence of the concept of Human Rights Image

International Human Rights
The essence of the concept of Human Rights
( HAM Internasional
Hakikat konsep Hak Asasi Manusia )

According to Oppenheim, international law basically regulates the behavior of states (state conduct). Because international human rights law is a branch of international law, basically it also regulates the behavior of states, especially in human rights issues. For example: what are the rights and obligations of the state regarding human rights; what should be done by the state in the event of a violation; how human rights are regulated in national laws; how the protection, guarantee and fulfillment of the human rights of each individual by the state.

Menurut Oppenheim, hukum internasional pada dasarnya mengatur tingkah laku dari negara (state conduct). Karena hukum HAM internasional merupakan cabang dari hukum internasional, maka pada dasarnya ia juga mengatur tingkah laku dari negara, khususnya dalam masalah HAM. Misalnya: apa hak dan kewajiban negara menyangkut HAM; apa yang harus dilakukan oleh negara jika terjadi pelanggaran;bagaiman HAM diatur dalam hukum nasional; bagaimana perlindungan, jaminan dan pemenuhan HAM setiap individu oleh negara.

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